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Analyze and visualize your own graph data
Simply drag-and-drop an edge-list and let us do the rest!
What is an edge-list and how do I create one?: An edge-list file consists of rows representing a single edge each where the first two columns are the source (src) and destination (dst) nodes.
How can I visualize attributed graph/network data?:
An attribute can be easily added to the edge list representation, e.g., a single attribute can simply be appended to the 3rd or more generally any column other than the first two.
Thus, it is assumed that any columns besides the first two are infact attributes, and we attempt to infer their type as well.
How to visualize time-evolving networks or dynamic graph data?:
To visualize dynamic or time-evolving networks, one can simply include the timestamp as an attribute (see above).
Note that for best performance add the timestamps to the third column, and add any other attributes to the other columns.
GraphVis: Interactive Visual Graph Mining and Machine Learning
Please cite the following if you use this tool:
title = {The Network Data Repository with Interactive Graph Analytics and Visualization},
author={Ryan A. Rossi and Nesreen K. Ahmed},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
While most functionality/interactive tools/settings can be accessed from the right (and left) interactive menus,
we summarize a few important/useful ways of interaction below.
This tool supports most graph formats (edge lists, mtx, gml, xml, graphml, json, paj, net, etc.), simply drag and drop your graph into the browser window (or load one from network repository from the left menu).
Select subgraph
While holding shift, click to draw a region around the subgraph of interest.
Repeat this to select multiple subgraphs. Statistics and properties of the selected subgraph are interactivly updated in real-time and shown on the left (as the subgraph is being selected).
Add nodes, subgraphs
Click to add nodes. Nodes inside the cursor region will be linked to the new node.
Subgraph patterns and synthetic graphs from a variety of graph models can also be added in the same way by first selecting the appropriate pattern and/or model from the menu on the right and its size.
Load graph
drag+drop file
To load a graph of interest, simply drag and drop the file into the browser window. Many formats are supported.
Use simple edgelists for larger graphs.
Zoom in/out on the graph to explore different regions of it. This is also useful to make more fine-grained subgraph selections and explore them in real-time
Induce selected subgraph
Create an induced subgraph from the selected subgraph (nodes/edges).
See above for how to select one or more subgraphs.
Delete selected subgraph
Remove the selected nodes and edges from the graph.
See above for how to select one or more subgraphs.
Move subgraph
First select the subgraph of interest by holding shift and clicking to draw a rectangle around it, then while holding shift click a node in the selected subgraph and move/drag it to the desired location.
Repeat this to move multiple subgraphs.
Node/link stats and properties
Hover/mouseover the node or link of interest to display the local statistics and properties of that node.
Note the estimated class probability distribution and other model info specific to the node and link is also displayed to the user (assuming an interactive relational/graph-based ML model was previously used to perform semi-supervised/collective classification).
Useful Hotkeys
Note: If a hotkey does not work initially, try holding shift and clicking, then pressing the shortcut key.
Export/save a screenshot of the current visualization(s)
Display scatterplot matrices
Display the interactive scatter plot matrices for the local graph properties and features
Toggle full screen mode
Pause layout
Pause the network/graph layout algorithm
Toggle legend
Turn on/off the legends
Toggle Drag
Toggle the use of the mouse for dragging and repositioning (or for manually adding, deleting, and changing nodes/edges/subgraphs [default])
Toggle full screen mode
Hide right menu
Hide the visualization menu by pressing "H" on your keyboard.
Vis menu is resizable. Simply drag the open/close button.
Video demos of some features
Interactive Graph Mining and Machine Learning Demo