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The first interactive network repository with visual analytic tools
The largest network data repository with thousands of network data sets
Interactive network visualization and mining
Download thousands of real-world network datasets: from biological to social networks


Explore network data sets and visualize their structure
Interactive statistics and plots
Download massive network data of billions of edges

Help out

We are always looking for talented individuals to help us with this project, so please contact us if you'd like to contribute and join our team.

Industrial collaborations

We are also always looking for different use cases and applications of this technology. Please contact us if interested in an industrial collaboration.

Commericial uses

Interested in using this technology for commericial purposes? Contact us to discuss opportunities!

Support this effort

This project began as an effort to create the first interactive data and network repository with the ultimate goal of helping researchers and practioners find useful data and understand and explore it easily and interactively on the web. Network repository revolutionizes the way researchers find, and ultimately use data.
This project relies entirely on public donations. We ask that if you found this project useful, please consider donating to help ensure the continued success and survival of this project, so that others may benefit from the vast data and interactive tools offered by network repository.

Future and Impact

Ultimately, this concept has the potential to revolutionize data repositories and archives by providing interactive tools for exploring, analyzing, and comparing all types of data in real-time on the web. This makes it easier for researchers and others to understand and find the appropriate data for their own research and/or application being investigated. We believe this concept introduced by network repository will spread and eventually become the standard for data repositories and archives on the web. Not only will it change the way researchers find and use data, it will also make the process of finding the correct and most useful data much easier, thus speeding up the discovery process and scientific progress as a whole.

We also hope that this technology is adopted and integrated into other services and products that are at the heart of the international research community. More specifically, interactive tools and plots should become standard and journals and conferences should encourage and support the use of such tools as they serve to help both reviewers and readers understand and validate findings in research papers. These interactive plots and tools for transforming the data can be easily adopted by publishers (e.g., journals, books, and conferences) by providing the paper in an online format that can be read over the web. The process is also easily automated by allowing researchers to upload their data as simple csv files from which the plots would be created automatically and displayed on the web.

However, we also believe publishers (e.g., journals) should encourage and make it standard to embed such interactive tools and plots into Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. This makes it easier for results and claims to be verified by reviewers and readers, and increase the quality of research overall. Scientists would ultimately publish, share, and archive more useful, flexible representations of their investigations and results.